Sheet Metal Sun

The television circuits laid out like frozen meat;
a blood that oozed over the nations.
As summer comes only to pass again,
where will we find ourselves this year?
Beneath the blossoming trees,
sunlight spilling across the broken leaves
as warm rain scatters downward to cleanse?
Will we find ourselves dancing
with the cats that prowl and their chocolate hairs,
will we find ourselves seizing this certain warmth?
Or will we be extorting our minds with produce,
like cuts that ease deep into our organs?
This Plastic-Fantastic summer will come.
As the factories burst up in smoke
their workers working overtime,
we will consume their products
(like a raging river barreling forwards).
We put our money on the table-
even in a bruised economy,
and we will run around like insects
Flaunting our bar codes like no other species.
A factory constructed summer runs wild,
with no conception of the impending doom
of eventually turning into roadkill.

A Short Four-Doored Revolution

sun streams between leaves,
a golden light lands abruptly
The cars below take advantage
of the paved road ahead –
rubber grasping at high speeds.

Four lights that flash like
the hammer and sickle under your bed
our temples blinking low oil
Into our adjusted eyes
That evolved with the bearing

Forest greens stacked on either side,
a wilderness cast but weak.
A new forest constructs itself,
these temples roaring through them
as our convenience holds us hostage.

Is This Necessary?

Today I have decided to do a blog post on some current events. I will be referring to the news coverage of Barack Obama, the newly just inaugurated President of the United States of America. This Friday, January 23rd, the front page of the Toronto Star played host to an article about Barack Obama and his “key victory”of being able to keep his BlackBerry.
Technology these days are booming, the average cost that Americans spend a day on it has amounted up to thousands upon thousands. Obama represents change in America, as well as the rest of the world, this everybody is aware of. Is it really necessary, however, to document his every breath on the front pages of all our newspapers? I am also speaking from a Canadian perspective so we are talking about foreign news (I cannot imagine what they are publishing in the U.S.A)! How important is it that the new President is the first to use email? Of course there is all of the National Security involved but does it not make Obama’s privacy and security at higher risk by publishing details about his BlackBerry and also “security enhancements”.
This is not front page news.
Neither is the report a few days ago concurring Barack Obama’s reluctance to wear a suit-jacket while sitting inside the oval office. Some people call this a disgrace and disrespectful to Presidential Traditions. Slavery was once a tradition, is it a disgrace that this tradition has been ousted? To me the jacket represented superiority and importance, Obama is trying to connect with his people and show them that they voted for a regular American citizen. Him no longer wearing this jacket is a tremendous idea…is it still front page worthy?
Definitely not.
there are more important things to focus on in the world today than the President’s liking towards certain technology and clothing preference. How about we North Americans and concentrate on more pressing issues.
This, is honestly pathetic.

On a side note: Honest Ed’s on Bathurst and Bloor Sts “Bring Back The Prices Reminiscent of The ‘Hungry 30’s. Items Priced 10cents to 25cents.” The general manager Russell Lazar has said; “Everywhere you hear people are depressed, worried and out of work. So you think, what can you do to make people happy?”So as Debra Black of the Toronto Star said he is bringing prices down to “Dirty Thirties-levels”. This is more front page news than Obama’s technological habits.

Source: Toronto Star, 23/01/09. Chris Sorensen, Debra Black.