Conscious Separation and Enlightenment

Cascading through like waters that brush themselves down a tanned back; freckles mark the days that ones mind seems unable to reassess. As a human race we are thwarted for that non-conceptual entity that which is time and when pleasures are given do you not wish to just stop it? Some say that the difference between the human race and the rest of the universes living organisms is that we have the largest conscious mind, which does not automatically give us the right to believe we are stronger in some way – smarter, if you will, for it is only true if we come to completely master this said consciousness, an ongoing struggle. I can see that difference though, lying beneath breathless moments where your hair twines with mine as our naked limbs are stretched outward; I hear your words gently press into my mind and they create an immediate reaction of blissfulness and that giddy emotion takes over. I can see the difference in how it is we can love one another, how we caress fingertips-to-skin. I can see the difference in our elapsed conversations where language fails us and I strive to flow my thoughts and ideas into your head, my essence paws at the entrance of a weakened wall begging to be let in so that further understanding can take place. I can see the difference in small interactions with strangers, the politeness through gritted teeth. I can see the difference when I become lost in a separate realm as tapped water cleanses my body for hours whereas others will never know the privilege of society and its class system. Then it comes down to the true question; would one want to give up those precious moments for a more sensible, primal and instinctive existence? Once we have tasted the freshness and overall freedom of being bound by a concept like time it is truly difficult to be able to lose ourselves in the midst of nature once again to come one with this relative collectiveness which is the multi-verse.

So it remains as such; how to have that fresh taste still on the tips of our tongues whilst not being restricted by that fellow called Time? Perhaps it is a question that will fuel an undoubted journey upwards, outwards, skywards and forwards through a rippling life of constant positivity. I have faith and confidence that I will find a place where this can be achieved; struggling through the winters but feeling its worth once the sun beats again, cuts and bruises proudly marched as a representation of the Hunter, a shelter befitting for comfortable survival and possible abandonment. To travel, learn the ways of every plain and organism so that coming one with whats surrounding is simpler. Strangers faces will float in and out of life with the exception of a small group of hanger-ons, but the periods of meditation grow larger as our minds crave the understanding of what it is we are and why it is we are. But a fear leaps into my throat that pauses all these plans and takes away the driving exhilaration, the fear that I will have to go out there alone. For solitude is necessary but to live ones life as a Drifter with no other drifting counterpart makes up for a tortured soul that questions itself too much. So till this Drifter finds another one (more likely till the offer is accepted), this one shall be tethered to a place of struggling self awareness.

A Trust Exercise

To me your words fall off as lies,
a black paint peeling off only to stick to my skin.
My curiosity creates instability,
Are those thoughts still existent?
Am I more than what you’ve ever wanted?
What hides beneath those chocolate waves?
I need security to hold me up.

The walls of my past are crumbling,
I suffocate underneath the rubble
Eyes tear from the creeping dust
racks of memories cut me through,
His voice trickles out of the cracks.

Have you ever been used so severely
that you know nothing else?
(My knowledge of fetishes is disturbing
so many times have I been the tool,
just to fix some guy’s fantasy
whereas I know now just [u]me[/u]
is nothing in anyone’s desires
– why cannot I just believe
that you want me at most?)

Because I have a history of lies,
live in their thrashing seas
water filling my lungs as I yearn
for a certain darkness to surround.

When my voice matches my thoughts
an anger in you swells,
as selfish as you say you are.
My past holds chains on me,
too many situations gone wrong.
Given out my trust only to be wronged
more than I thought possible,
I fear it almost too difficult to do again
but I know I have it in me
– – but where? it is lost.
Are you willing to understand it is not you,
that I cannot trust because of my own incompetence,
even though you should be the doubter if any.
I do not question your actions
just those thoughts (slinking in the background)
like many mens thoughts that have bruised me.

Are you willing to help me find what’s lost,
to ease these begging questions –
a void growing slowly,
a space between us
Are you willing to convince the broken?

Night Prowler

He pushes open the door with a vengeance,
the crack echoes in the hollow of my ear
A fear rushes up my veins but I shove it back down,
if I stay quiet enough maybe he won’t know I’m home.
As I sit huddled beneath the blankets I clamp my eyes shut,
tighter I pull myself closer with the lights turned off
My music beats and drones out his approaching feet,
his voice is heard booming in the next room as I tremble
It’s late enough for me to be in bed so let’s hope he doesn’t disturb,
I hear his drunken snores off in the distance
– like a strange comfort.
Tonight Isis has heard my pleas and I got my solitude,
no need to be close to smell the whiskey on his breath.
Still, it scars and hurts on these lonely nights
I am forced to live in tosses of fear.
Every time I see him I feel my innocence being lost;
his hands up my dress and his stench on my neck –
a heavy body weight pushing down upon me.
The bones broken and bruises left,
they are nothing compared to this now twisted mind.
His touch will always burn me,
his eyes will always rape me,
his voice will always shatter me,
his corruption murdered me long ago.
I will never be safe in the middle of the night.

A Plead

I feel collapsed upon this breath I take within my bed
my sheets are dabbed in stains of blood and you,
When will it end? My tired eyes cannot take anymore of this.
Just a little hug, a little touch upon your soft lips…
No, but I can’t. My limbs are growing weaker and my mind worse.
dance in my daylight so I can’t see when it’s night,
tearing down all bits of sanity left inside.
Lines of whiteness cover my nostrils for brief release,
of what? Of death and dying from the inside out?
Why has this happened to me, thoughts dangling downward,
snapping seems like the only solution as razors never worked.
Your depth in soul amazes me still to this day,
stolen away like the pattern on my ceiling
(one I know too well).
I am not asking you to leave me alone forever,
please just for now. I am begging you…

Somebody please come forward and rip me from this,
my mind is tortured like this beaten body.
My veins course what some never even see –
what decisions have led me to this place?
What decisions can bring me out of it?
I need help, a little hand just big enough to carry me
(only for a moment out of this hole).
I am surely begging you culprit…
please, do not leave me alone forever
– how could I ask you of that? isn’t this addiction?
just please leave me be for one moment,
my tired eyes need one nights rest…

Published in: on February 24, 2009 at 10:37 pm  Leave a Comment  
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My Flag

(A non-humorous short take on “The Symbols on My Flag (And What They Mean)” by Jack Handey).

The pig doing calculus represents the intelligence of animals.
The row of a hundred shows represents conformity
(the pink one at the end is my try to be the opposite)
Eleven black binders stand for my school days
– all the burn marks on them are the ones I’ve missed.
Dancing Tnker Bells throw out cocaine from salt shakers
(this one is a triple threat);
-the pixie is of childhood dreams of beauty and flight
-the cocaine is addiction, of late of substances of escape
-Snow White’s container is of far out acid trips on the Edge of Las Vagas.
A picture of ceilings with coffee stains is of the old buildings I love to visit,
the beer can filled with vomit is a memory of a week spent in the woods camping.
Various blotter papers are the intense alter of consciousness my teenage mind suffers.
Vampire teeth is also a triple threat;
my lust for blood
love of the morbid
obsession with vampiric death.
Broken pencils represent all my attempts at writing
(the pens are the successes)
There is a star for every bone I’ve broken,
a square for every stitch,
a circle for every concussion,
a triangle for every panic attack,
a heart for every “illness”.
My flag has no maple leaf or clover, it is constructed in bright colors representing my soul. You may look at it with an eyebrow raised…but where is your flag? This is mine.

Published in: on February 6, 2009 at 3:53 am  Leave a Comment  
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